Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Juna Bazzar

The only thing that one can expect at a Juna Bazzar is to find something totally unexpected. The other day I found these really beautiful 120mm slides from the 70s (I think) and I ended up buying them all. You can see them and make your own stories. I think the pictures are by two different families, which ended up in a single tray at the bazzar only to land into my treasure box. :) Spent a day cleaning them, did as much as i could.

Posting them here as downloadable wallpapers for your computers. (Right click, open in a tab let it load and save it to your computer!) Also uploading the actual square format un-cropped version as a downloadable zip file. (Link)

Friday, September 16, 2011

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Palestinian refugee camp : latakia : syria

Nine months ago I was in Syria's port city of Latakia visiting the Palestinian refugee camps. Trying to understand the problems of a set of people who have been refugees for the past 60 odd years. Their third generation born in a country they can't call there own. And the situation was bad regular power cuts in the nights, not equal job rights and a constant feeling that they are at someone else's mercy. On 16th Aug  two days ago Assad's army launched a heavy gunfire on the refugee camps and reports are that thousands of palestinians have fled again...

(Most of the names have been linked to the Wikipedia pages for references.)

Here are some Photographs of the refugee camp in Latakia.

Latakian coast line (view from the camp)


Yasser Arafat supporter.

Third generation in Syria


A coffee shop called Jaffa. Named after an old palestinian city

Mohammad took me around the camp. Age: 20

Hamas office in camp.

Aid ship leaving for Gaza form Latakia's port.